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This page contains a list of resources that are used to control, program, and maintain the robot. This includes software, documentation, and other resources.

General Documentation

Documentation Description
Hardware Component Overview A guide which provides a brief overview of the hardware components that make up the FRC Control System. Each component will contain a brief description of the component function and a link to more documentation. This link includes a wiring diagram and descriptions of our main components.
Imaging the roboRIO2 A guide that shows how to image the roboRIO2. The roboRIO2 is the main computer that is used to control the robot. It is the brain of the robot.
Imaging the roboRIO A guide that shows how to image the roboRIO. The roboRIO is the main computer that is used to control the robot. It is the brain of the robot.
SPARK MAX LED Patterns A guide that shows the different LED patterns that the SPARK MAX motor controller can display. The SPARK MAX controls all of the motors on our newer robots.


Software Description
Rev Hardware Client The client we use when setting CANIds for our motors and to monitor the Can Bus (information wire) that connects our motor controllers and several other components.
FRC Game tools A software bundle that includes the FRC Driver Station and FRC Utilities. These components are required for FRC teams to configure and control robots and communicate with the field.
FRC Radio Imager A tool that is used to configure the radio that is used to connect the robot to the driver station.
Phoenix Tuner X A tool that is used to configure the Phoenix brand motor controllers and other components. This app is not supported for Mac OS.


Software Description
WPILib A library that contains all the code that we use to program our robot. It is a library that is built on top of Java and is used to program the robot. It is also used to program the robot's autonomous mode.
Github Desktop A tool that is used to manage the code that is used to program the robot.
VS Code Integrated development environment (IDE) that is used to write the code that is used to control the robot.

Last update: February 13, 2024
Created: April 22, 2023